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Would you like to be better at literary analysis? At following a writer's arguments? Would you like to enjoy reading more?

This series of sessions will help you do that - and more!

Literary analysis will help you improve your comprehension work, improve your own writing, and improve your ability to describe your thoughts about the works we'll be looking at.

On this course, your personal opinions count.
You'll either engage with a text positive, negatively, or it will leave you cold.
Your ability to say why you feel that way will improve.
Moreover, you'll learn to show that understand why other readers might have a different view, BUT why your view is just as valid as theirs.

On this course you will learn how to:

  • Look closely at how writers use the rules of grammar to create effects
  • Describe ways in which writers break rules - and what their purpose is in doing so
  • Examine and describe different sentence structures and their effects
  • Explore patterns in sounds and letters, words and phrases, sentences, ideas, and emotions
  • Expand your vocabulary for literary analysis and learn to use key words appositely (a perfect word for describing the use of the right word in the right place at the right time)
  • Explore context, dialect, register, and other devices that point to context and purpose
  • Learn how little marks of punctuation can say big things about a writer and their stance
  • Develop stylish, elegant ways of arguing point

About Leon

Leon is a teacher steeped in the wonder and wisdom of the traditional integrated and integrative classical liberal arts, and is a keen supporter of living traditions, including living traditions of oral storytelling. He is author of several books including Aesop The Storyteller (Aladdin's Cave Press, 2008), a collection of 12 versified Aesopic fables, and History Riddles (Liberalis Books, 2013).


Students will need standard stationery supplies, and access to digital resources, including word processing softward and EITHER a digital shared workplace OR a hard copy A4 ring-file binder with dividers. In both cases, they will need facilities to upload clear scans or pictures of homework tasks. All courses will be taught on line in a specialised learning environment - a fast broadband connection is advisable. Some background reading will be required.

Accessibility and Flexibility

Content will be adapted to individual levels and interests as much as possible. Special needs students can be provided for (please contact the tutor to discuss before enrolling) and assessments can be handed in via video rather than in written format, with videos uploaded to YouTube or WeTransfer and shared via private link on this site.

Join the course

Tutor will be notified about your interest. When the course opens for booking we'll send you all details.
Already have an account? Then please sign in.
If you are booking for several children
If you need several student accounts you don't have to use different email addresses. Once you sign up open Settings and add another account - you'll be able to easily switch between them and won't need another email address.